The Institute for European Studies

Completed Projects

  1. Balti rahvaste Euroopa-integratsioonistrateegiast: Eesti, Läti ja Leedu loomas uut rahvuslikku ja regionaalset identiteeti. (1998)

  2. Survey and analysis of EU training/studies andidentification of EU experts/lecturers in Estonia. Phare projectTechnical Assistance to the Office of European Integration in Estonia(ES 96.01)(1999).

  3. Eesti põlevkiviga seotud sektorite arengu erinevate stsenaariumi-versioonide läbitöötamine. Ida-Virumaa regionaalse arengu programmi toetav projekt.
    Discussion of the different scenarios for the development of the sectorslinked with Estonian oil-shale. Project supporting the Regional Developmentof Ida-Virumaa (1999).

  4. Euroopa Liit ja Eesti: kontaktkataloog. Finantseeritud PHARE Euroopa Liidu Integratsiooni Projekti poolt. (1999-2000).

  5. The EU and the Countries of Central and Eastren Europe: Attitudes and Perceptions. International project (led by the GESIS in Berlin) with participants from Hungary, Poland, Germany, Bulgaria, Romania, Slovakia, Russia and Estonia. (1999-2000).

  6. Estonians, Russians and Poles in the EU Integration Process. Funded by Estonian Scinece Foundation grant no. 4321. (2000).

  7. TEMPUS PHARE project "Training of Estonian Journalists According to EU Standards" Contract No: IB_JEP-13316-98 (2000-2001).

  8. Networking towards European Integration. International project led by Petr Drulak (Institute of International Relations, Czech Republic) with partners from Bulgaria, Estonia (the IES), Germany, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia. The project was funded by the Bertelsmann Foundation and the World Bank. (2000-2001).

  9. Quality of Life of Disabled People and People with Chronicle Diseases in Estonia. - Kroonilise haigusega ja puudega isikute elukvaliteet Eestis. EV Rahvastiku-uuringute koordineerimise asjatundjate komisjoni uurimistoetus nr. RUPL01320. (2001).

  10. Estonian Science Statistics and Policy Resources. The project was funded by the UNESCO,administrated by Lithuanian Scientific Society and Estonian Union of Scientists. (2001).

  11. Estonia on the Way to the European Union. Identity Changes in 1993-2003. Estonian Science Foundation grant no. 4971 (2002-2003).

  12. Estonian Science Foundation grant no 6009 Forming and changing of Estonian national identity from the 19th to 21th century. The influence of identity mechanisms to the cultural processes.(2004-2006). Contractor: Viljandi Culture Academy of Tartu University.
    ETF grant nr 6009 Eesti rahvusidentiteedi kujunemine ja muutumine 19.-21. sajandil. Identiteedimehhanismide toime kultuuriliste protsesside mõjurina. (2004-2006). Koostöös Tartu Ülikooli Viljandi Kultuuriakadeemiaga.

  13. Europeans Facing Globalisation. Comprative research project led by the Foundation for Political Innovation (Paris) and Kairos Future-Fondation (Stockholm) with experts from 8 European countries (France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Spain, Poland, Sweden, Estonia).(2007)

  14. The Aspect of Culture in the Social Inclusion of Ethnic Minorities and Roma/Sinti Groups: Assessing the Cultural Policies of Six Member States of the European Union. A Project for Evaluation of the Impact of Inclusion Policies under the Open Method of Co-ordination (VP/2005/009) financed by the European Commission (Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities DG). Contractor: European Centre for Minority Issues (ECMI), Flensburg, Germany.(2006)